Introduction to Support (SEND) at Wallace Fields Junior School
When a child has a specific educational need such as finding some aspect of learning particularly difficult, then provision is made to support their learning and is monitored by The Special Needs Leader (SENDCo). Parents are contacted directly to ensure that you are always fully aware of your child's needs and the provision offered by the school to meet those needs. The SENDCo and class teacher prepare a Surrey SEND support plan and invite Parents, and outside agencies when necessary, to meet each term and discuss the immediate needs of the child and to develop that plan to include any proposed future developments. Targets from plans are included in the teacher’s planning.
Inclusion at Wallace Fields Junior School
Wallace Fields Junior School prides itself in its strong inclusive values and ethos. We strive to meet the needs of all learners, be it academic, emotional or behavioural.
The needs of all pupils are assessed upon entry into school and at regular intervals thereafter. Some pupils require extra help because of learning difficulties, physical disabilities or emotional and behavioural needs. For those identified with specific needs, appropriate programmes of work and support are devised by the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, teaching staff and teaching assistants. Where necessary, the advice of medical staff, speech and language specialists or educational psychologists is obtained. Parents will be approached for permission before any outside agency is asked to assess a child. Children on the SEND register will get SEND Support Arrangement plan via an EDUKEY link to inform parents of their targets which are then reviewed after each assessment point in the school year. SEND targets are set and reviewed with pupils to ensure that they feel involved in the process and that their views are valued. We have a good transition relationship with feeder schools and our local Secondary Schools to ensure that all children have a smooth transition to and from our school.
The arrangements to keep track of pupils' academic progress as they move through the school, are exceptionally thorough and the information is used to plan support and intervention for pupils not making the expected progress.
The school works closely within the framework of the special needs ‘Code of Practice’. The school’s policy on special needs and explanation of the code is available to interested parents on our policy page click here.
More able pupils will be given appropriate tasks and challenges to extend them within the classroom situation. This usually requires them to use and apply the skills and knowledge they have to solve problems either independently or as part of a team. The learning of all children is carefully monitored to ensure progress is maintained.
For more information on equality at Wallace Fields Junior School go to
Pupils with English as an Additional Language
Wallace Fields Junior School welcomes children from all over the world and enjoys the diversity that this brings. Different cultures and languages are regularly celebrated in a variety of ways. Those pupils who speak English as an additional language are supported to ensure they have access to the curriculum and are carefully tracked to ensure they make progress in a secure learning environment.
Disability and Accessibility
Pupils with special needs or disabilities are fully embraced at our school. Wallace Fields Junior School aims to provide disabled pupils full access to every aspect of school life. The school has wheelchair access to most teaching areas and regularly reviews provision to meet legislation and any future needs. Our accessibility plan is available upon request.
SEND, Accessiblity, Equality and Disability Policy
Children in Action...
Inclusion at Wallace Fields Junior School Explained by our SENDCO
Click here or on the picture below to see a Loom video which gives an introduction of SEND at Wallace Fields Junior School in 2022/2023.
SEND workshops for parents
Each term the SEND team run informal information or parental workshops for SEND needs. This gives parents the opportunity to share experiences and ideas.
Dates are advertised in the Wallace Fields Junior School newsletter.
Useful Contacts
- Crisis Line: If you are worried about yourself, a friend, or your child or young person, please call our 24/7 mental health crisis line free on 0800 915 4644. It’s open all day and all night, seven days a week. You can talk with a trained call handler who will provide advice, support and signposting to a range of community services. The crisis line is available for children and young people from the age of six. It can be used by those who are already receiving mental health services, and also by those who are not. No formal request for support is needed
- Access and Advice: To speak to someone about local services available and how to access them call Access and Advice: 0300 222 5755. We are open 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday and 9am to 12pm, Saturday. The service is not open on bank holidays.
- Neurodevelopmental Helpline: Out of Hours advice around behaviours/difficulties which could be related to neurodiversity including Autism and ADHD available via 0300 222 5755 from 5pm until 10:30pm every day of the year. NB diagnosis not needed.
- Self-referral Groups for Parents and Young People For Parents – a huge range of topics; Groups for parents/carers :: Mindworks Surrey ( these include online webinars and workshops; For children and young people: Groups for children and young people :: Mindworks Surrey (
- Mindworks; Home :: Mindworks Surrey (; this is Surrey’s website with dedicated sections for young people, families and professionals has links to and contact details of local help and resources available for a range of needs; Notable useful pages include; Advice, information and resources :: Mindworks Surrey ( and Other helpful organisations and useful links :: Mindworks Surrey (
- Also worth noting is CYP Haven in Epsom that is open for walk-in support; CYP Haven Epsom | CYPHaven Surrey and of course there a range of online support and apps that might potentially be supportive.